Showing: 1 - 10 of 16 Articles
Guidance to Harness the Power of Out of the Box Ideas

Guidance to Harness the Power of Out of the Box Ideas

Instagram or Facebook? In the social media era, Facebook and Instagram have provided a tremendous amount of support to businesses and people all around the world. Some prefer one over the other, while some prefer both equally. Instagram was an out-of-the-box-idea that came out of the blue. At a time when Facebook was the top …

Organizational Development

Organizational Development: Here’s How to implement it in 4 Steps!

A business that grows stale is one destined to fail. Why? It’s because markets always change. Consumers want new products, new technologies, and upgrades to what they already have. Their consumption culture also changes. Customers will develop new expectations on how a brand should present itself, and how its employees should interact with them. Also, …

Launching a Startup Business

Launching a Startup Business? Here Are 4 Rules to Follow!

Launching a business is never easy. The majority of startups operate on loan money and a measure of risk. There’s a skill, marketing, product development, and much stress involved. For those reasons alone, knowing the process is key. You need to understand the right mindset and steps to launching a business. We’ll explain both below …

Customer Focus Improvement

How to Improve Your Company’s Customer Focus?

What is your go-to fast-food chain? Is it McDonald’s? Whether McDonald’s is your choice or not, the fact that they have an exceptional customer service experience makes it stand out from its competitors. The quality of products and/or service does matter alongside customer service, it is like a feather in your cap, if you’re good …

Millennials Mindset

Millennials Mindset: Here’s how they’re Reshaping the Workforce!

The workforce of today isn’t like the traditional workforce of old. Office structures and full-time hours are now looked down upon. Workplaces that were homogenous are disappearing. In fact, employees are now shifting towards a work-life balance, a comfortable work environment, and priorities besides long corporate hours. So what’s causing this change in work culture? …


Is too Much Digitization Bad for Our Lifestyles? Read to Find Out…

The digitization debate is a never-ending one. It’s also been in a heated rise with the popularization of artificial intelligence This debate has always been divided into two camps. The first is pro-digitization and anti-stagnation. They often push for heavy usage of the internet. They’ll promote using digital tools for all kinds of tasks, while …

Customer Experience

Digital Customer Experience Strategy: Six Key Areas to Focus your Efforts

Are you worried about accelerating your company’s digital transformation? With the digital revolution in any business, the most influenced are the audience – that is a pivot of a venture. What were your focused areas? Did you strategize yet? Amongst the companies that have a good strategy to handle digital customers, one of the top …