Customer 360 Degrees

Modern Business Challenges

One of the top challenges in managing the customer experience, is the relative dearth of accurate customer insights. At times, customer data gets trapped within the organizational silos of sales, customer service, marketing, and finance departments.

As a matter of fact, customers do not split their interaction with a company into separate experiences by channel, they experience your company as a whole. To better engage with customers, you need to have a single source of truth. which gives you the ability to analyze past behavior in order to better target and personalize future customer interactions.

Now it’s time to bridge the disconnect between customer expectations and experiences by creating a single view of the customers, which is instrumental for better decision making, delivering a personalized experience and processing services efficiently, which in its turn enhances retention, increases loyalty, creates greater customer satisfaction, improves process efficiencies and boosts customer service and support levels.

Barriers to Achieve a Single Customer View

Customer View Barriers

Data Collection & Privacy

With our solution you will be able to collect data across multiple sources such as website, mobile app, digital products, IOT devices, CRM, call center, transactional, or just about any other type of data to use.
Data Collection and Privacy

Our Methodology

Organizations sometimes see their customer experience either solely in terms of customer acquisition or customer service while they end up putting little consideration into customer preferences in designing an experience that caters to their continuous engagement.

Our approach to creating a single view for your customer is premediated to give CX team has real-time access to this information, so they can deliver a consistently good customer experience and generate a stream of gains for your business.

With Jacob International Group, you will soon be able to deliver at every touchpoint throughout the customer journey, a contextual interaction based on preferences, spending habits, recent interactions, order history, ratings, satisfaction scores and many such attributes.

You will also be able to dramatically improve the customer service levels, mainly by improving efficiency levels and providing consistency and continuity in every customer interaction.

Customer 360 Degrees - Our Methodology

Impact of Single View on Customer Experience

It makes it possible for you to discover your customers’ unique journeys, create dynamic behavior segments, perform custom analytics, and make personalized offers to better serve your customers at the right time and deliver seamless customer service and support.
Customer Experience Impact

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Check out our recent blog post which we hope will inspire you with business solutions and tips.

Feel free to contact us and set an appointment; we would love to have a chat and explain to you how our services can be of value to your business, along with ways to make you reach your true potential.