Digital Media

Digital Media Transformative Strategy

Grow My Business have accentuated use of data to drive insights, creation of breakthrough brand ideas, and better use of digital and social channels to fast rising levels of brand engagement.
Digital Media Transformation Strategy

Understanding Consumer Purchase Journey

You will be guided across the consumers’ decision making on their purchase journey dynamics.

  • Identify purchase journey triggers and how consumers make purchase decisions.
  • Understand how to build awareness and which biases and motivations influence their behavior.
  • Learn what are the factors that influence their consideration.
  • Recognize which audiences represent your most likely source of growth.
  • Know which touchpoints help audiences choose brands across different categories and locations.
  • Spot the communication opportunities based on strengths and weaknesses in the journey.
  • Classify which actions are most closely linked to sales and how to close the loop & generate leads?

Our Methodology

The foundation of our work is based on determining your current level of maturity and help build the transformational precision development roadmap for your business.
Our Methodology
  • Benchmark your performance against best practice by analyzing your website, search, social, content, audiences and more to identify your growth opportunity grids.
  • Find new untapped audiences and strategize plans that provoke growth opportunities.
  • Develop powerful new ideas in media, content, and partnerships.

Precision Modeling

Our digital omnichannel media strategy is designed with audience-based precision modeling to provoke growth for our clients through data consolidation, biddable excellence and measurement and analytics across an omnichannel media strategy with an aim of improve advertising performance.

Eventually, you will be able to unify the data collected for advanced utilization mainly towards consumer insights to drive prospective consumers to purchase. Grow My Business data strategy maturity framework provide vision for success.

Precision Planning

Precision Planning
Our biddable activation process follows a cycle of gathering data insights, aligning KPIs to communication tasks, defining the audiences, designing the customer journeys, building the data funnel and decision trees, designing content, activating, and optimizing performances and finally measuring and adapting to learnings.

Multichannel Digital Campaign Strategy

Multichannel Digital Campaign Strategy

Cross Channel Campaign Attribution

You will be able to identify the optimal investment and channels at each stage of the purchase journey and create one version of the truth for our client’s performance.
Cross Channel Campaign Attribution

Campaigns Management

Grow My Business use process tools and technology to ensure effective media spends that generate positive ROI.

  • Explore the purchase journey insights collated on multiple categories and countries.
  • Selection process for engaging consumers in the priming and active stages of the purchase journey via touchpoints that fulfil a brand’s communication requirements.
  • Determine the best phasing and flighting of a multimedia campaign to maximize effective reach for a given budget in a single market. This allows the comparison of multiple plans, with a variety of touchpoint and plan performance metrics reported.
  • Budgeting by analyzing competitor spend and sales benchmarks within a client brand’s category and country.
  • Evaluate digital campaigns both attitudinal and socio demographic reach and frequency.
Purchase Journey

Performance Toolkit

Grow My Business deploys solid digital capabilities in developing an omnichannel media strategy supported with the right content and technology. Our stack of tools use data to generate the optimized communication plans. You will be able to bring together many different data sources which increases the effectiveness of creating data powered media plans significantly across categories and untapped audiences to drive long term growth.

Measuring Impact

Grow My Business measures what is imperative to our clients’ marketing, brand health & business success. We use a calibrated portfolio approach as our bespoke framework for effectiveness and measurement. Our client will take a granular view of what drives performance effectiveness across the three-key metrics of.

  • Brand health to assess the overall impact that a brands health is having on business performance and what are the key drivers.
  • Business results to understand how brand and media investment is impacting upon product sales, customer profiles and market share metrics.
  • Media performance is used to gain higher frequency more granular analysis of core drivers of media performance to inform micro level optimization decisioning.

We help you find and deploy the right software for your business

Check out our recent blog post which we hope will inspire you with business solutions and tips.

Feel free to contact us and set an appointment; we would love to have a chat and explain to you how our services can be of value to your business, along with ways to make you reach your true potential.