
Brand Research

Branding is fundamentally significant to companies focused on building the value of their entire product portfolio. Therefore, it is essential to trail how the brand equity grows over time. Our brand health tracking helps you stay informed about:

  • How your brand is helping you meet your organizational objectives
  • Gives you clear insights into your brand’s sphere of influence
  • Unravels what consumers feel about your brand

Measuring Brand Health with Brand Tracking Tools

Our brand tracking tools can quantify and forecast your brand’s health by leveraging leading indicators and determining how your brand impacts your company’s bottom line. Primarily, we store and analyze data from consumer surveys and other kinds of brand health assessments to understand consumer perceptions. This allows you to see which factors directly impact your brand’s health through:

Brand Health Factor

Our Brand Health Program

Our Brand Health Program entails measuring the brand health metrics vis a vis competition, the brand perception whereby we understand the customers functional and emotional relationships & perceptions/associations with your company and finally measuring the drivers for your brand equity.
Brand Health Program

Brand Equity as a Catalysts for Choice

At the core of rising brands is an understanding of how people make choices. People are more likely to choose brands that are salient. Salient brands fulfil the key motivational principles for selection which include meeting functional and emotional needs. Our brand associations and their effect on purchasing decisions are factored as follows:

  • Usage Intention, whereby we provide insights on a new product potential. The usage intention is a market research KPI that focuses on a specific type of product and the relationship consumers have with it.
  • Purchase Intention, whereby we forecast your customer’s future behavior. This market research metric takes the consumer’s intent a step further, by positioning them in an active state of potentially acquiring product.
  • Willingness to pay whereby we find out the price range of a future product. It is important when it comes to pricing decisions or a new product development.

Also, these brands have the highest perceived value at the moment of choice compared with alternative options. Grow My Business provides you with an overall measure of your brand strength factored as follows:

  • Brand desire is the ultimate metric reflecting the strength of your brand.
    A measure that combines both rational and emotional dimensions of your brand. This is about building strong mental networks for the brand: Strengthening brand saliency and brand relationships to ensure the brand ranks first in as many choice situations as possible.
  • Market effects helps you improve your brand’s chances of being chosen.
    Market Effects will show the influence of in-market factors on equity and open new conversations regarding where we can create opportunities for your company. It is important for brands to be perceived as an easy, available choice. These are the factors which make it easy for consumers to choose the brand they desire, or alternatively, that get in the way and push them to an alternative choice.
  • Brand equity measurement
    The final output is a combined scorecard illustrating the brand health position of a brand relative to competitors, with scores that are easily comparable across market and within different sectors. To be perceived as an easy, available choice: These are the factors which make it easy for consumers to choose the brand they desire, or alternatively, that get in the way and push them to an alternative choice.
  • Brand perceptual mapping
    A perceptual map is the best qualitative method to understand how your brand is performing in the market, and what the consumers feel about it. Furthermore, it gives you the most accurate summary of your competitors’ positioning and strategy, and at times even helps you forecast future strategies. This understanding of your brand and its competition is essential to have a competitive edge in the market. The attributes that the marketers choose to plot on the axes, are the direct reflection of the brand’s growth in that area and explain the gaps between competitors
Brand Share

Customer Research & Experience Management

Customer Experience Index
Customer Experience Index
Customer Satisfaction Index
Customer Satisfaction Index
Net Promoter-Score
Net Promoter Score
Customer Loyalty Index
Customer Loyalty Index

Analytics and Insights

We eventually integrate your Brand Health, Customer Research and Online Brand Analytics findings to contextualize your brand’s overall performance and provide key insights for your brand’s strategic developments.

Check out our recent blog post which we hope will inspire you with business solutions and tips.

Feel free to contact us and set an appointment; we would love to have a chat and explain to you how our services can be of value to your business, along with ways to make you reach your true potential.

Jacob International Group
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Designed to help you grow your business.

Customer Experience Index

Customer Experience Index measures the customer experience across touchpoints. When mapped with the Customer Effort Score (CES) which measures how fast and simple customers find their interaction with your business you will be able to spot any bottlenecks and frictions in the customer experience and predict future purchase behaviors.

Customer Satisfaction Index

Single Customer Satisfaction Index Score (CSAT) across segments measures the satisfaction with your product or service. This scale will simply give you a good idea of where you stand. Customer also feel their opinion is valued and considered, which plays in your favor.

Net Promoter Score

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) evaluates your customer loyalty and satisfaction. This is a trans-disciplinary metric that is used in many different departments – and especially important for the customer service. It measures the likelihood of customers to recommend a product or services to their friends and relatives.

Customer Loyalty Index

Single Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) will help you measures the strength of a customer’s loyalty towards your brand. However, unlike Net Promoter Score (NPS) it also covers repeat purchases and multiple purchases.