Ever wondered why some website ranks higher and drive more traffic and customers to their business than yours? The strategy to achieve that might be simpler than you know it. While there are many ways to accomplish this, one of the essential parts of the entire Search Engine Optimization equation (particularly for on-page SEO) is the title tags. The effect can be huge if you understand the game.

Perhaps, you’ve not heard about Pat Flynn, but this is the man behind the success story of one of the top blogs on the internet (smartpassiveincome.com). The internet entrepreneur works his way to the top by delivering quality content rich in the on-page optimization equation. By using appropriate title tags, Pat Flynn’s blog was able to tell users and search engines what that page entails. Hence, he was able to get this right. The method at which Pat Flynn was able to do this was genius, by crafty following the proper steps, he was able to provide each webpage of his blog with the perfect title tags that yield instant success, a proof of which is evident in his blog becoming one of the most popular websites out there.

Pat Flynn Method of optimizing SEO title tag perfectly.

  • Adequate Character length: one of Flynn’s tricks uses an average of the maximum of 60-character limit.
  • Arranging the title tag keywords appropriately: Flynn’s blog couldn’t have generated high traffics if not for using the right primary keywords at the beginning of his title tag. This method helps when it comes to Google ranking algorithms, and it also makes the webpage link easier for internet users to notice quickly.
  • Applying copywriting skills into Title Tag: the blog smartpassiveincome.com became so popular, thanks to its attractive and compelling webpage titles. Flynn understands the editorial and marketing perspective of a title tag. Hence he infused his brilliance into creating a title tag that delivers a vast click-through quality while still satisfying both the Google search engine optimization and search engine results pages ranking. The trick? Don’t just jam all your keywords in there.

However, getting these methods above right requires you understanding how to write click-worthy title tags. Though it may appear technical, what you should keep in mind is that you are writing for humans. There are some powerful tips to consider writing compelling click-worthy title tags; here are some of them to guide you:

  • Write with powerful words: it is psychologically proven that some powerful words drive people to do things. These compelling and powerful words, when used correctly, are a call to action that can quickly stir up emotion and differentiate your title tags from some of the other results.
  • Adding numbers and parenthesis to the title tags: just like when creating a password, where adding special characters or capital letters can make it unique. Counting numbers and parenthesis to your title tags will make it stand out among the rest as it makes Google algorithms promptly reflect what content the webpage delivers.
  • Revealing the date of webpage update: letting website visitors see the actual date your webpage is updated can be crucial. Everybody loves updated content; content with recent dates can quickly drive web users to click through the title tag. The straightforward way to accomplish this is to use the current year and month to post the web content.
  • Create a Unique Title Tag: nothing beats uniqueness. This technique is also applicable when writing a title tag that can perfectly optimize your SEO website and have higher rankings in Google SERPs. To do this, ensure the distinct title tag matches with the topic of each webpage.

What you should know about Optimizing Title Tags

  • The title tags of websites are shown as blue links in which website users can click-through to check the web content of the web page.
  • The title tag usually shows the URL of each webpage on the window tab after the webpage has loaded fully.
  • The back-end code for writing the title tag is simple. Using HTML function “<title> </title>” can do the trick. Just put the primary keywords with an appropriate title or a catchy phrase comprising powerful words.

For example, using the topic of this article to create a good example, “<title> The Secret to Perfectly Optimize Your SEO Title Tag </title>.” This example is a sure-fire way to not only get a higher click-through from the targeted audience but also get a higher ranking from Google SERPs. Using this method will surely make you get the best balance between optimizing for humans and optimizing for search engines.

You can check Title Tag Performance

Knowing your title tag performance can spur you to do more, especially when you see positive changes in your new method of posting web content. To monitor your website, click-through rates, the easiest way to do this is Google Search Console. Using Google Search Console can quickly help you to find specific URLs and look at the actual keyword and see what your click-through rate is for it. You don’t need to have extra tweaks, just log on to Google Search Console and quickly take a look at the click-through rates of each webpage or web content on your website to know which of your title tag is generating the desired performance.


Getting your website to improve in Google SEO and SERPs is one of the main goals of creating a website. Especially if it is designed to generate traffics from the targeted audience. There are many ways to achieve Google SEO and SERPs higher ranking, each known to be crucial. However, one of the most important to always consider is to optimize your SEO title tags when publishing your content ideally. The secret and how to do it has been carefully listed and analysed here. The onus is now on you to make use of it. After all, it is not about the knowledge you possess but about how you utilize such knowledge to your advantage.

Hence, use and keep these tips in mind if you want to improve your SEO and click-through rates!

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