It won’t be wrong to say that productivity lies at the center of progress. It requires correct decisions to be taken along with a focus on spending your energy on the right activities. Though it is not possible for everyone but in many cases, it can be made possible with a little effort and taking the right approach. Also, organizations have a vital role in striking a balance for employees to lead productive work.

Take Google for example. The giant of the internet is renowned for being the best online search engine along with having its roots fixed in all aspects of IT and technology. If we take a look at the life of employees at Google, we will discover that they enjoy a number of perks enabling, rather than prompting them to give their best. Ranging from free food to an ultra-creative work environment, it is ranked as one of the best places to work.

If we were to have a thorough breakdown of how organizations can play their part in helping their employees deliver their best and make their professional as well as personal life more productive, this is how it would be:

  • Understanding your Employees

It needs to be understood that each person has unique talents, skills, and gifts; so it is vital to have them identified so the individual can focus on them. Google does this with their 80/20 rule where each employee can give 80 % of their time to their real job and the 20% remaining to something they are truly passionate about which will also benefit the organization.

  • Incentivize

One thing that needs to be accounted for by an employee or an individual is the need to differentiate between being actually busy and productive. For that, Google offers ‘massage credits’ that are awarded to employees who get a job done really well. Such small things are essential to get employees motivated and keep their focus on tasks that are important and urgent, hence, account for actual productivity.

  • Growth Opportunities

With ample career development opportunities, employees can switch from having automated/reactive decision-making to proactive (thought-based) decision-making. Likewise employees at Google who have access to a number of like-minded individuals along with a number of other brilliant and sharp minds, become aware and proactive in their decision-making rather than letting instincts take over and guide them.

With efficient management of energy, technology, and developing a will to implement those changes you can actually create a productive personal and professional life.

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