Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Is too Much Digitization Bad for Our Lifestyles? Read to Find Out…

The digitization debate is a never-ending one. It’s also been in a heated rise with the popularization of artificial intelligence This debate has always been divided into two camps. The first is pro-digitization and anti-stagnation. They often push for heavy usage of the internet. They’ll promote using digital tools for all kinds of tasks, while …

Customer Experience

Digital Customer Experience Strategy: Six Key Areas to Focus your Efforts

Are you worried about accelerating your company’s digital transformation? With the digital revolution in any business, the most influenced are the audience – that is a pivot of a venture. What were your focused areas? Did you strategize yet? Amongst the companies that have a good strategy to handle digital customers, one of the top …

Media Crisis Management Plan

Developing a Media Crisis Management Plan? Here are 5 Rules to Follow!

All large businesses share one aspect in common. That is, they have a platform to influence. That platform can be a social networking site, it can be a blog or a presence through TV ads. Or it can include all of the previous. Regardless, part of growing your media presence involves creating a contingency plan. …