Business Counseling

Business Counseling​

In our rapidly changing world, it is predicted that T-model businesses will continue to shake up the established order. With more agile structures than that of the M-model, businesses can learn from the newcomers and rethink their current business structures and offerings to sustain a competitive advantage. Correspondingly, this will require developing apt marketing plans and strategies leading to long-term success.

Grow My Business is your reliable partner to plan a definite roadmap to launch your new business or to enhance your presence in the marketplace. We not only save you money but also save you energy and time. With Grow My Business we can help convince investors or lenders to finance your business and persuade partners to join your company.

Jacob International Group is associated with several top firms and organizations to carefully think through each step of starting your company or transforming your business. You can benefit from our expertise to augment your potential and stay ahead of the competition through a meticulous discovery of your business idea, identifying opportunities and plan how you will deal with probable challenges. With our business counseling services you will be on the right track to success.

Business Planning

Business Planning

Defining Your Company

Defining your Company

Strategic Marketing Plan

In our rapidly changing world, developing marketing strategies and plans is one of the most challenging functions for a business. The core shore of a successful marketing strategy is to result in salient marketing initiatives, which effectuate the speed of market penetrations and creates wide prospects for market development. Grow My Business sets a multidimensional marketing strategy suited to lead to a long-term success for your business.
Strategic Marketing Plan

Differentiation Through Design Thinking

Grow My Business does not only help you design products with strategy but also eliminate the distressing factors that meddle in the market development. The outcome of our strategic business counseling results in market optimization, differentiation, and value creation for your brand definition. This service benefits product designs and transaction costs by varying the perceived price of products relative to the actual value.

We map your products’ whole lifecycle across industries and new markets by creating new applications for current customers. We extend your product and service offerings in many countries and enhance generic enablers of your portfolio. We create products and services that match our customer lifecycle and penetrate new industries across the globe.

 We care about your products and present your brand in a market that is valued and appreciated by customers and move your products’ lifecycles to maturity.

Customer Value-Differentiation

Customer Value-Differentiation
We enhance placements for your products and services to deliver an omni channel experience and optimize selling initiatives efficiently to your core segments.
Omni Channel Experience
We also address the cost implication to minimize the ‘factors of distribution’ channel management as well as the operating costs through consolidation, optimization, and electronic commerce. Moreover, we also create strategic alliances and partnership programs. The advent of minimizing the cost will help you get these benefits:
Factors of Distribution

While effecting the setup process, we follow some techniques for enhancing service standards. We staple your business to an order, which is done by figuring out the in-process defects i.e., potential problems, customer frustrations, and opportunities to build customer ordered lifecycles which enhance the overall experience.

Business Counseling - Techniques for Enhancing Service
Our strategic business counseling services does not end here. We also provide counseling on customer relationship management, which is required to increase the segment value and its profitability. We also give services of:
Customer Relationship Management
Grow My Business gives you all the mentioned benefits and incentives while performing top quality strategic planning for your products and brands which allows your business to prosper in the marketplace.

Management & Organization

Investors and lenders carefully assess whether you have a qualified management team or not. We work closely with you to develop your organization chart and map accountabilities and delegation authorities for optimal agility in performance.

Operational Plan

Operational Plan

Financial Plan

Our expert team of financial engineers at Grow My Business will help you in developing a comprehensive and realistic financial plan and in setting financial goals for your startup business and in assessing your financial needs to get the necessary capital for your business.



Financials for Investor Relations

Financials for Investor Relations

We help you find and deploy the right software for your business

Check out our recent blog post which we hope will empower you and inspire you with business solutions and tips on personal development.

Feel free to contact us and set an appointment; we would love to have a chat and explain to you how our services can be of value to your business, along with ways to make you reach your true potential.